Lost My Faculties: A teacher's blog

About the miserable joy of teaching other people's children.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I just realized

that DD is going to be 8 years old in the next few months, and I shared this observation with DH yesterday over coffee.
"I predict," I continued, "that we will get a flurry of phone calls trying to get her baptized on her 8th birthday."
"Umhmm" he nodded. DH just looked at me like I was the paranoid schizophrenic he always feared I was....
About an hour or so later, the phone rang. It was one of my "church friends". She and I probably never would have met except for church, and since I stopped going (over a year ago), I haven't heard anything from her. It's not like we were best friends or anything.
She was just calling to see if I would like to go see a movie with the "girls" from church later in the afternoon.
Should I go? Should I not? I argued with myself for about a milisecond. It seems harmless enough, but I just don't even want to go near that territory. I don't want to explain how I came to my postition of unbelief, and I don't want to feel awkward that I'm not who she thought I was or who I should be. I don't want to open any kind of doors or windows of opportunity for her to "reactivate" me, or to have a "missionary experience" - just in time for DD's 8th birthday. Maybe I am paranoid, but I've spent a good bit of time trying to heal from the devastating discovery of lies and half-truths the Mormon church has been teaching me for the last 30 years of my life. My wounds are still raw - I don't really feel strong enough to be friends with a former "church friend" when we don't have anything else in common, and now we no longer have the church in common either.


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